Project 561: Intro to Walkthroughs

1. Learn how to use the hint buttons

In this challenge, you'll learn how to use hint buttons to expand the walkthrough and get extra help if you need it. The first thing you should do is click the green "Hint: Show steps" button. Then click the first "Hint: Show details" button. Keep unlocking all the hints for this challenge. You should eventually unlock two images.

Try to see if you can find the secret word hidden in this challenge!
This challenge doesn't have a starting point

Your goal


1. Show challenge step descriptions

Nice job! 

These challenge step descriptions give you more information about the challenge step, if you need it. 

2. Show challenge step images

If you're really stuck, you can always click the "show image" button to see a picture or GIF of what you need to do to solve this challenge step. It should show you the exact steps so you don't need to ask your instructor for help unless something is confusing. 

When you're starting out, don't worry about using too many image hints – they're there to help you out! Use as many as you need. 

3. Click the "I'm done" button

Click the green "I'm done" button at the bottom of the screen to let your instructor know you're done with this entire challenge. They'll check your work and unlock the next challenge so you can keep working on the project. 

P.S. the secret word is "nano". Tell you instructor when you get to this step.