Subject Areas

Our Students Build Real, Translatable Skills

The core skills students build at Digital Adventures can be divided into three main subject areas: Programming, 2D Design and 3D Modeling. Each course teaches various combinations of these skills, with different courses emphasizing different subject areas. For example, the Virtual Reality course has a primary subject area of Programming and secondary subject areas of 2D Design and 3D Modeling, depending on the project. In contrast, the Digital Creations course only has a primary subject area of 3D Modeling. See the following table for a breakdown of the different core skills that each course teaches:

Programming 2D Design 3D Modeling
Virtual Reality Primary Secondary Secondary
Digital Creations - Primary -
Digital Hackers Primary Secondary Secondary
Awesome Machines Primary - -
Digital Design - Primary -
Digital Apps Primary Secondary -

Keep reading for more details on each subject area.


The Programming subject area is focused on building skills that allow learners to write instructions for machines to follow across a variety of platforms. We don't differentiate between skills mastered in different platforms and expect that the general skills we track are transferrable acrosss languages. The Programming skills we teach and assess include:

variables conditional logic loops functions classes

2D Design

The 2D Design subject area is focused on using design principles across a variety of two-demensional media, including web design, moviemaking, animation and video game character design. The 2D Design skills we teach and assess include:

video transitions typeface selection spacing balance harmony proportion emphasis similarity and contrast

3D Modeling

The 3D Modeling subject area is focused on gaining the ability to 'think' in three dimensions while using techniques on a two-dimensional screen to manipulate three-dimensional spaces. The 3D Modeling skills we teach and assess are:

texture mapping basic spatial navigation building from pre-created forms using constraints extrusion fillets chamfers sweeps revolutions sculpting