DA Student Launches Space Themed Social Site to Connect Kids

DA Student Launches Space Themed Social Site to Connect Kids

Categorized under: student projects

This week, I received an email from my partner about a new website that one of our students recently launched. There are proud moments when you start a company - 1st hire, 1st revenue, 1st profit, etc….And then, there are moments that validate the entire reason why your company exists in the 1st place.

At Digital Adventures, our mission is to empower the next generation with the creative problem solving and technical skills they need to grow up and change the world. So, while business metrics like hiring, revenue, and profit can help inform that we are moving in the right direction; a live space-themed website launched by one of our students demonstrates that the potential of the next generation is out of this world.

However, Digital Adventures isn’t just about students making their ideas real with technology. It is also heavily focused on the community that we build around these students. It’s about having others members of the community learn about what others are building so they can hopefully be inspired to bring their own ideas to life.

As I thought back to when this student joined us, I remember that he was one of the 1st students who joined our Lincoln Park studio when it opened in 2016. Over, the last few years, he has diligently joined us for classes. Over time, you could begin to see him connecting the dots for how to build with technology. Eventually, he even had enough foundational knowledge where he assisted us as an instructor doing our camp program.

A few months ago during our BrainSports showcase event, I remember him mentioning to me that he wanted to build a website that could connect kids across the globe who were passionate about space exploration.  Even adults have many great ideas. But, what separates those who talk about it and those who make it happen is action. Fast forward to earlier this week when my partner shared that the site he built was now live.

We are so proud of this student for taking his idea and making it a reality. And, I’d like to request that those who are interested to take a look at the site and offer constructive feedback.

One of the elements that we strive to teach within our project-based environment is that there is always an opportunity to improve. The Digital Adventures community is one that supports each other in their endeavors so that we can reach our potential collectively.

I’m super excited to discover the next project that emerges from our student base. But, for now, please check out connectspacekids.org and let us know what you think.

About the Author: Omowale Casselle is the Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Adventures.